
恭喜 翁順隆院長、婦產科 翁慈襄醫師 及 黃凱堯研究員 之研究成果發表於國際頂尖學術期刊 Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology



Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
(IF=2.0, Q2)



Microbiome analysis of maternal and neonatal microbial communities associated with the different delivery modes based on 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing



Tzu-Hsiang Weng, Kai-Yao Huang, Jhih-Hua Jhong, Hui-Ju Kao, Chia-Hung Chen, Yu-Chi Chen, Shun-Long Weng*



Objective: With the rising number of cases of non-vaginal delivery worldwide, scientists have been concerned about the influence of the different delivery modes on maternal and neonatal microbiomes. Although the birth rate trend is decreasing rapidly in Taiwan, more than 30 percent of newborns are delivered by caesarean section every year. However, it remains unclear whether the different delivery modes could have a certain impact on the postpartum maternal microbiome and whether it affects the mother-to-newborn vertical transmission of bacteria at birth.


Materials and methods: To address this, we recruited 30 mother-newborn pairs to participate in this study, including 23 pairs of vaginal delivery (VD) and seven pairs of caesarean section (CS). We here investigate the development of the maternal prenatal and postnatal microbiomes across multiple body habitats. Moreover, we also explore the early acquisition of neonatal gut microbiome through a vertical multi-body site microbiome analysis.


Results and conclusion: The results indicate that no matter the delivery mode, it only slightly affects the maternal microbiome in multiple body habitats from pregnancy to postpartum. On the other hand, about 95% of species in the meconium microbiome were derived from one of the maternal body habitats; notably, the infants born by caesarean section acquire bacterial communities resembling their mother's oral microbiome. Consequently, the delivery modes play a crucial role in the initial colonization of the neonatal gut microbiome, potentially impacting children's health and development.