新竹馬偕紀念醫院 院長
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新竹馬偕紀念醫院 婦產科部主任及主治醫師
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教育部部定 副教授獲獎榮譽:
榮獲 「嬰兒與母親」雜誌調查全國婦產科好醫師之一
榮獲 新竹市推動家庭暴力暨性侵害防治工作清優獎
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榮獲 新竹馬偕紀念醫院 親善楷模
榮獲 新竹馬偕紀念醫院 微笑之星
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自引進 第四代達文西手術系統 至今 本院已經破300例手術囉!
《健康2.0》開院寶寶報到 新竹馬偕兒童醫院喜迎5位寶寶(2022-11-03)
《環宇廣播電台-藍老師生涯學堂》新竹市立馬偕兒童醫院 守護兒童健康
生育率高的新竹 兒童醫療照護在地化!——新竹馬偕醫院院長翁順隆(生科博)專訪
《健康2.0》用這機器開刀,原來要鋸胸骨、開2、30公分大刀變6公分 病人3天就出院(2021-10-26)
《自由健康網》接任新竹馬偕醫院院長 翁順隆:將與學界合作研發智慧醫療技術(2020-12-31)
1.Shingosine-1-phosphate promotes PDGF-dependent endothelial progenitor cell angiogenesis in human chondrosarcoma cells.
Wang CQ, Lin CY, Huang YL, Wang SW, Wang Y, Huang BF, Lai YW, Weng SL, Fong YC, Tang CH, Lv Z.
Aging (Albany NY). 2019 Dec 6;11.
2.Resistin Enhances Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Production in Human Synovial Fibroblasts and Facilitates Monocyte Migration.
Chen WC, Wang SW, Lin CY, Tsai CH, Fong YC, Lin TY, Weng SL, Huang HD, Liao KW, Tang CH.
Cell Physiol Biochem. 2019;52(3):408-420.
3.Characterization and identification of lysine glutarylation based on intrinsic interdependence between positions in the substrate sites.
Huang KY, Kao HJ, Hsu JB, Weng SL, Lee TY.
BMC Bioinformatics. 2019 Feb 4;19(Suppl 13):384.
4.Gut microbiome changes in overweight male adults following bowel preparation.
Chen HM, Chen CC, Chen CC, Wang SC, Wang CL, Huang CH, Liou JS, Liu TW, Peng HL, Lin FM, Liu CY, Weng SL, Cheng CJ, Hung YF, Liao CC, Huang HD.
BMC Genomics. 2018 Dec 31;19(Suppl 10):904.
5.Vaginal microbiome variances in sample groups categorized by clinical criteria of bacterial vaginosis.
Chen HM, Chang TH, Lin FM, Liang C, Chiu CM, Yang TL, Yang T, Huang CY, Cheng YN, Chang YA, Chang PY, Weng SL.
BMC Genomics. 2018 Dec 31;19(Suppl 10):876.
6.Significant association of long non-coding RNAs HOTAIR genetic polymorphisms with cancer recurrence and patient survival in patients with uterine cervical cancer.
Weng SL, Wu WJ, Hsiao YH, Yang SF, Hsu CF, Wang PH.
Int J Med Sci. 2018 Aug 6;15(12):1312-1319.
7.A Three-MicroRNA Signature as a Potential Biomarker for the Early Detection of Oral Cancer.
Chang YA, Weng SL, Yang SF, Chou CH, Huang WC, Tu SJ, Chang TH, Huang CN, Jong YJ, Huang HD.
Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Mar 7;19(3). pii: E758.
8.MDD-carb: a combinatorial model for the identification of protein carbonylation sites with substrate motifs.
Kao HJ, Weng SL, Huang KY, Kaunang FJ, Hsu JB, Huang CH, Lee TY.
BMC Syst Biol. 2017 Dec 21;11(Suppl 7):137.
9.Integrated MicroRNA-mRNA Analysis Reveals miR-204 Inhibits Cell Proliferation in Gastric Cancer by Targeting CKS1B, CXCL1 and GPRC5A.
Shrestha S, Yang CD, Hong HC, Chou CH, Tai CS, Chiew MY, Chen WL, Weng SL, Chen CC, Chang YA, Lee ML, Huang WY, Hsu SD, Chen YC, Huang HD.
Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Dec 28;19(1).
10.miRTarBase update 2018: a resource for experimentally validated microRNA-target interactions.
Chou CH, Shrestha S, Yang CD, Chang NW, Lin YL, Liao KW, Huang WC, Sun TH, Tu SJ, Lee WH, Chiew MY, Tai CS, Wei TY, Tsai TR, Huang HT, Wang CY, Wu HY, Ho SY, Chen PR, Chuang CH, Hsieh PJ, Wu YS, Chen WL, Li MJ, Wu YC, Huang XY, Ng FL, Buddhakosai W, Huang PC, Lan KC, Huang CY, Weng SL, Cheng YN, Liang C, Hsu WL, Huang HD.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 Jan 4;46(D1):D296-D302.
11.MDD-Palm: Identification of protein S-palmitoylation sites with substrate motifs based on maximal dependence decomposition.
Weng SL, Kao HJ, Huang CH, Lee TY.
PLoS One. 2017 Jun 29;12(6):e0179529.
12.Genome-wide discovery of viral microRNAs based on phylogenetic analysis and structural evolution of various human papillomavirus subtypes.
Weng SL, Huang KY, Weng JT, Hung FY, Chang TH, Lee TY.
Brief Bioinform. 2018 Nov 27;19(6):1102-1114.
13.Investigation and identification of protein carbonylation sites based on position-specific amino acid composition and physicochemical features.
Weng SL, Huang KY, Kaunang FJ, Huang CH, Kao HJ, Chang TH, Wang HY, Lu JJ, Lee TY.
BMC Bioinformatics. 2017 Mar 14;18(Suppl 3):66.
14.Diversity and enterotype in gut bacterial community of adults in Taiwan.
Liang C, Tseng HC, Chen HM, Wang WC, Chiu CM, Chang JY, Lu KY, Weng SL, Chang TH, Chang CH, Weng CT, Wang HM, Huang HD.
BMC Genomics. 2017 Jan 25;18(Suppl 1):932.
15.Haptoglobin expression correlates with tumor differentiation and five-year overall survival rate in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Tai CS, Lin YR, Teng TH, Lin PY, Tu SJ, Chou CH, Huang YR, Huang WC, Weng SL, Huang HD, Chen YL, Chen WL.
PLoS One. 2017 Feb 3;12(2):e0171269.
16.SOHSite: incorporating evolutionary information and physicochemical properties to identify protein S-sulfenylation sites.
Bui VM, Weng SL, Lu CT, Chang TH, Weng JT, Lee TY.
BMC Genomics. 2016 Jan 11;17 Suppl 1:9.
17.UbiSite: incorporating two-layered machine learning method with substrate motifs to predict ubiquitin-conjugation site on lysines.
Huang CH, Su MG, Kao HJ, Jhong JH, Weng SL, Lee TY.
BMC Syst Biol. 2016 Jan 11;10 Suppl 1:6.
18.A new scheme to discover functional associations and regulatory networks of E3 ubiquitin ligases.
Huang KY, Weng JT, Lee TY, Weng SL.
BMC Syst Biol. 2016 Jan 11;10 Suppl 1:3.
19.A two-layered machine learning method to identify protein O-GlcNAcylation sites with O-GlcNAc transferase substrate motifs.
Kao HJ, Huang CH, Bretaña NA, Lu CT, Huang KY, Weng SL, Lee TY.
BMC Bioinformatics. 2015;16 Suppl 18:S10.
20.miRTarBase 2016: updates to the experimentally validated miRNA-target interactions database.
Chou CH, Chang NW, Shrestha S, Hsu SD, Lin YL, Lee WH, Yang CD, Hong HC, Wei TY, Tu SJ, Tsai TR, Ho SY, Jian TY, Wu HY, Chen PR, Lin NC, Huang HT, Yang TL, Pai CY, Tai CS, Chen WL, Huang CY, Liu CC, Weng SL, Liao KW, Hsu WL, Huang HD.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan 4;44(D1):D239-47.
21.CircNet: a database of circular RNAs derived from transcriptome sequencing data.
Liu YC, Li JR, Sun CH, Andrews E, Chao RF, Lin FM, Weng SL, Hsu SD, Huang CC, Cheng C, Liu CC, Huang HD.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan 4;44(D1):D209-15.
22.MethHC: a database of DNA methylation and gene expression in human cancer.
Huang WY, Hsu SD, Huang HY, Sun YM, Chou CH, Weng SL, Huang HD.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Jan;43(Database issue):D856-61.
23.Bacterial communities in semen from men of infertile couples: metagenomic sequencing reveals relationships of seminal microbiota to semen quality.
Weng SL, Chiu CM, Lin FM, Huang WC, Liang C, Yang T, Yang TL, Liu CY, Wu WY, Chang YA, Chang TH, Huang HD.
PLoS One. 2014 Oct 23;9(10):e110152.
24.Systematic analysis of the association between gut flora and obesity through high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics approaches.
Chiu CM, Huang WC, Weng SL, Tseng HC, Liang C, Wang WC, Yang T, Yang TL, Weng CT, Chang TH, Huang HD.
Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:906168.
25.Large-scale investigation of human TF-miRNA relations based on coexpression profiles.
Chien CH, Chiang-Hsieh YF, Tsou AP, Weng SL, Chang WC, Huang HD.
Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:623078.
26.A systematic review of microRNA expression profiling studies in human gastric cancer.
Shrestha S, Hsu SD, Huang WY, Huang HY, Chen W, Weng SL, Huang HD.
Cancer Med. 2014 Aug;3(4):878-88.
27.Clinical detection of human probiotics and human pathogenic bacteria by using a novel high-throughput platform based on next generation sequencing.
Chiu CM, Lin FM, Chang TH, Huang WC, Liang C, Yang T, Wu WY, Yang TL, Weng SL, Huang HD.
J Clin Bioinforma. 2014 Jan 13;4(1):1.
28.miRTarBase update 2014: an information resource for experimentally validated miRNA-target interactions.
Hsu SD, Tseng YT, Shrestha S, Lin YL, Khaleel A, Chou CH, Chu CF, Huang HY, Lin CM, Ho SY, Jian TY, Lin FM, Chang TH, Weng SL, Liao KW, Liao IE, Liu CC, Huang HD.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jan;42(Database issue):D78-85.
29.An enhanced computational platform for investigating the roles of regulatory RNA and for identifying functional RNA motifs.
Chang TH, Huang HY, Hsu JB, Weng SL, Horng JT, Huang HD.
BMC Bioinformatics. 2013;14 Suppl 2:S4.
30.A computational approach for identifying microRNA-target interactions using high-throughput CLIP and PAR-CLIP sequencing.
Chou CH, Lin FM, Chou MT, Hsu SD, Chang TH, Weng SL, Shrestha S, Hsiao CC, Hung JH, Huang HD.
BMC Genomics. 2013;14 Suppl 1:S2.
31.A new method for post Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) analysis of colorectal cancer in Taiwan.
Wang HM, Chang TH, Lin FM, Chao TH, Huang WC, Liang C, Chu CF, Chiu CM, Wu WY, Chen MC, Weng CT, Weng SL, Chiang FF, Huang HD.
Gene. 2013 Apr 10;518(1):107-13.
32.Rapid aneuploidy diagnosis of trisomy 18 by array comparative genomic hybridization using uncultured amniocytes in a pregnancy with fetal arachnoid cyst detected in late second trimester.
Chen CP, Su YN, Weng SL, Tsai FJ, Chen CY, Liu YP, Chern SR, Chen WL, Wu PC, Wang W.
Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2012 Sep;51(3):481-4.
33.Identifying protein phosphorylation sites with kinase substrate specificity on human viruses.
Bretaña NA, Lu CT, Chiang CY, Su MG, Huang KY, Lee TY, Weng SL.
PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e40694.
34.Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals a fetal origin for mesenchymal stem cells and novel fetal surface antigens for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis.
Weng SL, Chang SJ, Cheng YC, Wang HY, Wang TY, Chang MD, Wang HW.
Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Dec;50(4):447-57.
35.MicroRNA-34a modulates genes involved in cellular motility and oxidative phosphorylation in neural precursors derived from human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells.
Chang SJ, Weng SL, Hsieh JY, Wang TY, Chang MD, Wang HW.
BMC Med Genomics. 2011 Sep 19;4:65.
36.Placenta percreta presenting as a pinhole uterine rupture and acute abdomen.
Hung FY, Wang PT, Weng SL, Chen CP.
Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2010 Mar;49(1):115-6.
37.A comparative study of cutaneous manifestations of hyperandrogenism in obese and non-obese Taiwanese women.
Yang JH, Weng SL, Lee CY, Chou SY, Hsu CS, Hsu MI.
Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2010 Sep;282(3):327-33.
38.Huge pelvic mass, cutaneous and vaginal fistulas, and bilateral hydronephrosis: a rare presentation of actinomycosis with a good response to conservative treatment and with long-term sequelae of renal atrophy and hydronephrosis.
Wang PT, Su SC, Hung FY, Weng SL, Chen CP.
Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2008 Jun;47(2):206-11.
39.Caspase activity and apoptotic markers in ejaculated human sperm.
Weng SL, Taylor SL, Morshedi M, Schuffner A, Duran EH, Beebe S, Oehninger S.
Mol Hum Reprod. 2002 Nov;8(11):984-91.